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Engineering is the discipline and profession that applies scientific theories, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to design, create, and analyze technological solutions cognizant of safety, human factors, physical laws, regulations, practicality, and cost. In the contemporary era, engineering is generally considered to consist of the major primary branches of chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.There are numerous other engineering sub disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects that may or may not be part of these major engineering branches.

admission in engineering, counselling guidance

Engineers design, evaluate, develop, test, modify, install, inspect and maintain a wide variety of products and systems. They also recommend and specify materials and processes, supervise manufacturing and construction, conduct failure analysis, provide consulting services and teach engineering courses in colleges and universities.

Mechanical engineering:-involves design, manufacturing, inspection and maintenance of machinery, equipment and components as well as control systems and instruments for monitoring their status and performance. This includes vehicles, construction and farm machinery, industrial installations and a wide variety of tools and devices.

Electrical engineering:- involves design, testing, manufacturing, construction, control, monitoring and inspection of electrical and electronic devices, machinery and systems. These systems vary in scale from microscopic circuits to national power generation and transmission systems.

Civil engineering:-involves design, construction, maintenance and inspection of large infrastructure projects such as highways, railroads, bridges, tunnels, dams and airports.

Aerospace engineering:- involves design, manufacturing and testing of aircraft and spacecraft as well as parts and components such as airframes, power plants, control and guidance systems, electrical and electronic systems, and communication and navigation systems.

Computer engineering:- is the practice of designing computer hardware components, computer systems, networks and computer software.



Related sciences


Software engineering

Focuses on the design and development of software systems

Computer science, information theory, systems engineering, formal language

apps, websites, operating systems, embedded systems

Mining engineering

Focuses on the use of applied science and technology to extract various minerals from the earth, not to be confused with, which deals with mineral processing of various ores after they have already been mined

Rock mechanics geostatistics soil mechanics control engineering geophysics fluid mechanics drilling and blasting

Gold, silver, coal, iron ore, potash, limestone, diamond, rare-earth element bauxite, copper

Metallurgical engineering materials engineering

Focuses on extraction of metals from its ores and development of new materials

Material science thermodynamics extraction of metals, physical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy, nuclear materials, steel technology

Iron, steel, polymers, ceramics, metals

Mechatronics engineering

Focuses on the technology and controlling all the industrial field

Process control automation

Robotics controllers CNC

Mechanical engineering

Focuses on the development and operation of energy systems, transport systems, manufacturing systems, machines and control systems

Dynamics kinematics statics fluid mechanics materials science metallurgy strength of materials thermodynamics heat transfer mechanics mechatronics manufacturing engineering control engineering

airplanes machines power generation spacecraft, buildings consumer goods, manufacturing, HVAC

Industrial engineering

Focuses on the design, optimization, and operation of production, logistics, and service systems and processes

Operations research, engineering statistics, applied probability and stochastic processes, methods engineering, production engineering, manufacturing engineering,systems engineering, logistics engineering, ergonomics

quality control systems, manufacturing systems, warehousing systems, supply chains, logistics networks, queueing systems, business process management

Electrical engineering

Focuses on application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism

Mathematics, probability and statistics engineering ethics, engineering economics,instrumentation, materials science physics, network analysis,electromagnetism, linear system, electronics, electric power, logic, computer science, data transmission, systems engineering, control engineering, signal processing

Electricity generation and equipment, remote sensing, robotics, control system, computers,home appliances, Internet of things, , avionics, hybrid vehicles, spacecraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, optoelectronics, embedded systems

Computer engineering

Focuses on the design and development of computer hardware & software systems

Computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering

Microprocessors, microcontrollers, operating systems, embedded systems, computer networks

Civil engineering

Focuses on the construction of large systems, structures, and environmental systems

Statics, fluid mechanics, soil mechanics, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering

Roads, bridges, dams, buildings, structural system, foundation,earthworks, waste management, water treatment

Chemical engineering

Focuses on the manufacturing of chemicals and chemical production processes

Chemistry, thermodynamics, process engineering,nanotechnology, biology, medicine

Chemicals, petroleum, medicines, raw materials, food and drink, genetic engineering

Biomedical engineering

Focuses on closing the gap between engineering and medicine to advance various health care treatments.

Biology, physics, chemistry, medicine

Prostheses, medical devices, regenerative tissue growth, various safety mechanisms, genetic engineering

Architectural engineering and building engineering

Focuses on building and construction

Architecture, architectural technology

Buildings and bridges

Aerospace engineering

Focuses on the development of aircraft and spacecraft

Aeronautics, astrodynamics,astronautics, avionics, control engineering, fluid mechanics, kinematics, materials science, thermodynamics

Aircraft, robotics, spacecraft, trajectories